Wednesday, September 17, 2008

There are some things I'd rather not have to know

What we have learned about evacuating from hurricanes:

*Some places with no pet policies will accept pets if you're evacuating.

*The vet can give you a sedative for your pets when you travel.

*While the sedative doesn't work on all animals, it does work on our hyper dog!

*The cat is a great car traveler if she's in her carrier. (She didn't meow once. And that's with no sedative!)

*The cat REALLY DOESN'T LIKE using any litter box but her own!!!

*The most important things fit into a few Rubbermaid boxes.

*Paul's GPS on his Blackberry is great for finding alternate ways home when the main road is like a parking lot.


Paul Pettefer said...

Your blog is so pretty, and Christmasey (is that a word?).

It was good to do all the Hurricane stuff with you, princess.

Love, paul

Anonymous said...

Hello! :)